At Jack Daniels, they don't just throw away the barrels they crafted to let the whiskey mellow. You can buy a barrel from Jack Daniels. Well, let me rephrase that - if you buy enough whiskey that you have purchased all the whiskey from one barrel, they will send you the barrel for free. As that much whiskey costs thousands of dollars, it's a little too pricey for the average person. However, if you take the Jack Daniels factory tour they have a hall of fame room where they have listed on the wall everyone to have purchased an entire barrel. From there, there's an elite ring of people who have purchased 7 barrels over the years, with an Old No. 7 next to their name. (Most of these elites are of course liquor stores.)
A common usage of the old barrels around the town of lynchburg is to convert them into flower planters, or with the one seen here, a trash barrel. The Moore County Courthouse is seen in the background.
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