These days, when I seek out old train stations, I frequent However, this station isn't on DepotMaps or any of the other depot web resources I use. I had never heard of it until earlier this year. A friend of mine used to live about 5 miles from here, and he told me that 20 years ago, this was completely swallowed by overgrowth.
Just recently, The Tennessee Dept. of Tourism has started a new website which will provide auto trails for many of the off-the-beaten-path and hidden gems around the state. This depot is on the first trail to be published, Old Tennessee Settlers to Soldiers Trail as stop #26.
This depot was part of the Middle Tennessee Railroad which operated from 1909-27 along Liepers Creek Valley. One feature I like if you look closely at the top at the front was apparently a clock where the hour markers were carved into the wood.
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