When I started my quest to take photos of Rock City barns, it began with the one you can see from Rock City from the see 7 states overlook. The people at Rock City own this farmland below and it is part of their Enchanted Maize at Blowing Spring.
I believe this is a unique design for the Rock City Barn painters, the only one to be painted like a birdhouse, their other major form of advertising. Originally, the barn was built in 1948 by Gene Tibbs at his farm in Dalton, GA. In the 60's, Clark Byers painted the barn to be visible to motorists travelling along I-75. Whitfield County named the barn a historic site in the 80's but an expansion project by the Central Church of Christ in Dalton meant the barn was in danger of being torn down. A collaborative effort between the people at Rock City, the Tibbs Family, the church and a business that specializes in relocating historic log houses enabled the barn to be where it is today.
This is now one of 85 different Rock City Barns I have photographed and uploaded to Flickr in my Rock City Barns set. People often ask me how I've found so many of them. I have drawn from many resources such as books and web sites and sometimes luck, but there's not really one "go to" place to find them all. Well, now on my website, I have tried to create a one stop source for the locations of all of the barns I've been to. On my Map of Rock City Barns page, I have plotted each barn on a Google Map.
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