Thursday, June 18, 2020

Johnny Cash's personal train station - Amqui, TN

Johnny Cash's personal train station - Amqui, TN

Located in Madison, TN, L&N Railroad built this passenger station in 1910. Although the town was Madison, L&N named this station Amqui. Nobody remembers where the name Amqui came from but one popular theory is it's an Indian word that nobody remembers. The other theory is Amqui is short-hand for really fast, but they took the 'd' off the front and the 'ck' off the end.

Decades later, like most depots, Passenger service was discontinued at Amqui. Nearby resident Johnny Cash would see his local station and it inspired his song "The L&N Don't Stop Here Anymore."

Cash purchased the station in 1979 and relocated it closer to his home in Hendersonville where he used it to hold his train memorabilia. Eventually, June Carter Cash also also used it as an antique store.

Upon Johnny Cash's death in 2003, he donated the depot back to the city of Madison. Three years later, they relocated it to some donated land a mile south of the original location. Locals spent several years refurbishing the building, creating a museum and building the adjoining pavilion. As of 2010, the Amqui station is again available for all to enjoy.

For the full story:

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