Monday, January 11, 2016

Cummins Station - Nashville, TN

Cummins Station - Nashville, TN

Soon after Union Station opened up, in 1906 Big Bill Cummins made plans to open a warehouse just down the tracks. The next year when it opened, they claimed to be the largest reinforced concrete terminal station in the world, fireproof and a place that rats cannot live. The building was 4 stores tall, plus a basement, 500 feet long and 132 feet deep. (later it expanded to 603 feet long.) The most famous resident company was the Cheek-Neal Coffee Co., makers of Maxwell House.

This view is taken along Demonbreun ST. with the viaduct that crosses the gulch. Today, Cummins Station is listed on the National Register of Historic Placed. If you'd like to know the whole story, read this PDF on the Cummins Station website in honor of the 100th anniversary.

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