Monday, November 2, 2015

In the news: Senator Fred Thompson has died

U.S. Senator Fred Thompson has died. Here is a super-brief bio for people that don't know him:

He grew up in Lawrenceburg, TN. He became a lawyer and was involved in the Watergate legal proceedings, later he was involved in the Gov. Ray Blanton legal proceedings. When the movie ("Marie") about the Blanton Scandal was filmed, he portrayed himself, which launched him into an acting career. In 1994, he won the U.S. Senate seat given up by Al Gore who had become Vice President. After winning re-election in 1996, he served until 2002 when he did not seek re-election. From there, he took the acting role of lead District Attorney on Law & Order. In 2008, he ran for President, launching his campaign back where he started, from the town square in Lawrenceburg

Personally, I only had a chance to see him once. During the late 90s, he spoke at Lipscomb when I was a student there.

Lawrenceburg certainly remembers its favorite son. There used to be this sign on old US 64 for westbound travelers entering the city:

Welcome to FredThompsonville

Outside of the Crockett Theater just north of the square is this cement square with his signature and shoe print:

Fred Thompson signature and shoe print

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