Saturday, March 2, 2013

Remains of the 1846 Wilhoite Mill

Remains of the 1846 Wilhoite Mill

The remains of the original penstock piers can still be seen along the bank of the Duck River in Marshall County. Here, water was diverted to turn two turbines. The mill was rated at 60 barrels of flour and 150 bushels of corn per day. The Mill and a nearby bridge were destroyed by a flood of March 28, 1902, but a newer mill was built higher up along the bank, and some of those remains also survive today.

After the Civil War, a small community sprung up around the mill, which included a general store, a blacksmith, a post office and some housing. Today, little remains of the Wilhoite community other that what is left of the two mills. This can be seen as part of the Wilhoite Mill trail at Henry Horton State Park, and is across the duck river from most of the rest of this park. The entrance to the parking area can be seen along US31A.

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