Sunday, September 9, 2012

Games along the midway: Tennessee State Fair

As you walk around the midway, you'll see lots of people carrying oversized stuffed animals. Personally, I'm not very good at these games of skill, like shooting hoops, or the ring toss, or picking up the glass bottle with a fishing pole. Someone has to be good at it, or nobody would have those prizes on their shoulder.

2011 TN State Fair: Midway Skee Ball

Skee Ball takes me back to my childhood, back when I was young enough to enjoy going to Chuck E. Cheese or Showbiz Pizza.

2011 TN State Fair: Angry Birds the game

Angry Birds, the game.
Normally, real life games get converted into something you can play on your computer or smart phone. Here's a game for your phone that got converted to something you can play in real life. You get an angry bird bean bag and can slingshot it at the pigs.

09 TN State Fair #44: Guess Your Weight

For three dollars, this guy will guess your weight or can guess your age. (I'm not sure which one embarrasses me more.) If he's not within the margin of error, you win a prize! Who want's an 8x10 of Snoop Dog?

What prize do you want to win?

100 Things to see at the fair #17: Midway Prizes 2010 TN State Fair: Jamaican Bananas

I have enough plush ducks around the house. I want the reggae banana!

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