Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Gallery: 200 Random Photos of Nashville

I have put up a new Extended Gallery on, entitled Random Photos of Nashville (Part 1). After having taken photos all around town for many years now, there's a bunch of photos that need to be out and about. Now, these photos either have some kind of photographic flaw, or maybe I felt they didn't have a broad enough audience to include in my main online Flickr collection. Instead of collecting more dust, I thought that maybe someone might enjoy some of these other pictures. This and subsequent Nashville sets will have up to 200 photos in them.

My eventual goal is to have 10,000 photos online. Now, not all of these 10,000 will be of Nashville, but I felt it's the best place to start. I'm already 2% closer to the goal! By the time you read this, there may be more, a 2nd or 3rd set.

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