Sunday, October 2, 2011

Watauga Old Fields marker - Elizabethton, TN

Watauga Old Fields marker

Located on the lawn in front of the Carter County Courthouse in Elizabethton, TN it reads

Where the Watauga Association was formed in 1772, being the first place west of the Alleghenies where men joined together in a written compact for civil government and for the preservation of their ideals of liberty.

(then it lists the thirteen elected commisioners)

Erected by the Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution October 1923

1 comment:

  1. The 13 commissioners were:
    Charles Robertson
    James Smith
    George Russell
    James Robertson
    Jacob Brown
    Jacob Womack
    Zach Isbell
    William Bean
    Robert Lucas
    John Sevier
    John Jones
    William Tatham
    John Carter
